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November 2008

Girl Scouts
Kaira just joined a Girl Scout troop this month (she's a Daisy scout).
Here is Kaira in her Daisy smock (this is right after we got it - haven't had a chance to sew on the troop numbers and flag yet... next time!)

A few pictures from a troop meeting...

"On my honor, I will try to serve God and my country, to help people at all times, and to live by the Girl Scout law..."

At the previous meeting, the girls planted an herb garden. The girls are responsible for watering it each week to keep it alive. There were six rows of herbs (basil, thyme, oregano, etc), and 2-3 girls are in charge of each row. This is Kaira, and some of the other girls, taking her turn to water 'thier' herbs...
Girl Scouts Field Trip
For their first outing, Kaira's Girl Scout troop went on a tour of a firehouse. They got to talk with the firefighters, walk through a couple of different trucks, see one of the guys put all his gear on (we timed him, and he only took 1 min, 10 sec!). They took one of the ladder trucks out and fully extended the ladder, then they got to watch one of the guys, Fireman Steve, climb all the way to the top of the ladder (about 7-8 stories high). They also got to tour all of the firehouse - including the kitchen, the living area, some of the bunks, the firepoles they slide down, etc. They had a blast.

For a class project one week, each kid got a a robot to fill in with things all about themselves so the kids to get to know a little more about each other. Here is a picture of Kaira's robot, and then a shot of some of her classmates when they were displayed at school.

Turkey Cupcakes
The parents have to take turns picking weeks to send snacks to school - a fruit/healthy snack for Tues and a 'fun' snack for Friday. I had the week before Thanksgiving, so this is the 'fun' snack Kaira and I made to take to school for the class... Turkey Cupcakes!

Turkey Tales
A little show Kaira's class put on for Thanksgiving. They made a big mural and sang songs for all the parents.

("While the cook slept, the turkeys all hid [that's why they are all under the table hiding], and in the morning they couldn't be found")

They also read the new class book that they wrote together...

The class worked together to make their Thanksgiving mural that is in the background. Each kid made an indian boy and girl, a pilgrim, a house, a corn, a turkey, etc.

Thanksgiving is a special holiday...
"It makes me think of chicken. I like to play with my Mommy. And eat corn."

At the park
The absolute favorite thing at the park is still monkey bars (she actually has calluses on her hands from going back & forth on them so much!). Swinging like Superman on the swings is another favorite.

An impromptu game of kickball at the park - boys vs. girls.

New Class Book - "If You Give a Moose a Muffin"
Kaira's class collectively 'wrote' another book. As with the last one, they each got to illustrate a page and have been taking turns getting to take it home.
(Click on the picture to see the rest of the book...)

If You Give a Moose a Muffin

"The Greatest Show on Earth!"
The Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey were in town, so Kaira and I went to the circus! I didn't tell her where we were going ahead of time - it was a surprise. We had a great time.
(Click picture to see more...)

Kaira with her cotton candy and silly circus hat

Thanksgiving in Dallas
We took a trip to Dallas for Thanksgiving to see some of my family there. My aunt and uncle took us to do all kinds of cool things...

Ice Skating
We went ice skating at the Galleria...

American Girl
And then outside of the Galleria is a big American Girl doll store, and my aunt got Kaira a doll - a "Just Like Me" doll with brown eyes and bangs and everything like her. She named it Kara, and has been carrying it around with her, tucking it into bed, etc.

We even got to see some real live reindeer...

Trains, Trains, Trains!!!
We also went to see a huge model train display. It was a very impressive display. And of course Kaira loves trains - and there was even a Thomas the train.

Kaira helping Nick (my cousin) clean the pool, and her climbing a tree in the backyard...

Art Gallery
Some artwork Kaira made at school... an owl, a pumpkin, a tepee...

And a picture she drew on her chalkboard at home
Her translation of what she wrote: "Have a happy face, Bright the sun, Load up the bass"

And another little science lesson they did at school - what is a starch and what is not... She drew pictures and told me about what she learned - "bread and crackers are starches, things like butter and cheese are not."

Kaira's Christmas Wishlist
Just in case anyone needs ideas...
